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File Type

The ScrapeOps Proxy API Aggregator allows you to specify what type of file you are attempting to access or download using the file_type query parameter. This helps optimize the proxy settings for different types of content.

Supported File Types


  • PDF: For accessing PDF files, add file_type=pdf to your request
  • Excel: For accessing Excel files, add file_type=xlsx to your request
  • XML: For accessing XML files, add file_type=xml to your request
  • CSV: For accessing CSV files, add file_type=csv to your request


  • PNG: For accessing PNG images, add file_type=png to your request
  • JPEG: For accessing JPEG images, add file_type=jpeg to your request
  • WebP: For accessing WebP images, add file_type=webp to your request
  • GIF: For accessing GIF images, add file_type=gif to your request
  • SVG: For accessing SVG images, add file_type=svg to your request


When downloading a PDF file:

curl -k ""

The file type can be detected automatically from the URL extension or Content-Type header, but you can also explicitly specify it using the file_type parameter. This helps ensure optimal proxy configuration for the specific type of content you're accessing.

curl -k ""