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ChromeDriver Executable Needs to Be in PATH

Selenium Error: Resolving Chromedriver Executable Needs To Be In PATH

ChromeDriver is essential for Selenium to interact with the Chrome browser. The error "Chromedriver executable needs to be in PATH" typically occurs when Selenium is unable to locate the ChromeDriver executable in the system's PATH environment variable.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll navigate the steps to diagnose, troubleshoot, and resolve this particular Selenium error.

The Error And Why It Happens

Chromedriver is a separate executable file that serves as a bridge between the Selenium WebDriver and the Google Chrome browser. It is a component of the Selenium WebDriver suite! The role of Chromedriver in Selenium automation is to establish a communication channel between the Selenium WebDriver and the Chrome browser.

When you initiate a Selenium script that involves Chrome browser, Chromedriver is responsible for sending commands to the browser and receiving the results. It acts as an intermediary that translates the Selenium WebDriver commands into actions that the Chrome browser understands.

The error "Chromedriver executable needs to be in PATH" occurs when the system is unable to locate the Chromedriver executable file, and the path to Chromedriver is not specified or is not included in the system's PATH environment variable.

Chromedriver must be accessible to the system so that Selenium WebDriver can find and use it for automating the Chrome browser.

The two most common causes for the errors are that Chromedriver is not installed or that the PATH environment variable is not correctly configured.

PATH is an environment variable on operating systems like Windows, Linux, and macOS that specifies directories where executable files are located... Think of it as a map that tells the Operating System where to find things. When you use any command inside of your shell, if the command is on your PATH, the system finds it and then executes the command.

Take a look at the example below:

Command Line Chromedriver on PATH

When a command is entered in the command prompt or terminal, the operating system searches for the executable file associated with that command in the directories listed in the PATH variable.

In the example above, I enter the command python. My OS then finds and executes python by starting the Python shell. Take a look at this example below, in which we enter commands that are not on the PATH:

Command Line Chromedriver NOT on PATH

As you can see in the error message, my system can't find what to do with it! In the context of Selenium and Chromedriver, the importance of the PATH lies in the ability of the operating system to locate Chromedriver.

If your OS can't find Chromedriver, this is also what happens when you try to find Chromedriver.

Locating Chromedriver:

The location where Chromedriver is commonly stored can vary depending on the operating system.

Here are the typical locations for Chromedriver on different operating systems:

  • On Windows, Chromedriver is often stored in a directory that is included in the system's PATH variable. This could be a directory like C:\Program Files\Chromedriver\ or any other location where you choose to install it. Alternatively, some users prefer to place Chromedriver in the same directory as their Selenium scripts.
  • On Linux and macOS systems, Chromedriver is commonly stored in directories such as /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/. These directories are often included in the system's PATH by default. Users may also choose to place Chromedriver in a directory of their choice and add that directory to the PATH manually.

The most commons cause for creating errors related to the Chromedriver path are if Chromedriver isn't installed for a reason or another; or if the Chromedriver version and the Chrome version are mismatched, it is crucial to use a compatible version of Chromedriver for the specific Chrome browser version.

Resolving the "Chromedriver Executable Needs To Be In PATH" Error

Here're how you can resolve this error:

Option 1: Install The Chromedriver Via Selenium

If you choose to install the ChromeDriver via Selenium, you're opting for a streamlined and dynamic approach to ensure compatibility and smooth integration within your Selenium scripts.

This option leverages Selenium's built-in functionalities to manage and deploy the ChromeDriver executable, sparing you the manual hassle of downloading and placing the executable in your system's PATH and therefore is the recommended option.

from selenium import webdriver  
from import Service

service = Service()
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()

# This will automatically install Chromedriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=service, options=options)


If you are using a version released before June 2023, you can employ this code. Ensure that you have webdriver_manager installed as well.

pip install webdriver_manager  

Then run the following code:

from selenium import webdriver  
from import ChromedriverManager

# Using ChromedriverManager to automatically download and install Chromedriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome(ChromedriverManager().install())

# Now you can use 'driver' to automate Chrome browser

# Close the browser window

Option 2: Add Chromedriver To System Path

If you opt for this option, you're choosing a more hands-on approach. This method involves manually downloading the ChromeDriver executable and placing it in a directory that is included in your system's PATH.

While it requires a bit more manual intervention, it provides a straightforward and traditional way to ensure that Chromedriver is easily accessible by Selenium.

  • Solution for Windows:
  1. Find the directory where Chromedriver is installed. This might be the default installation directory like C:Program Files/Chromedriver or any other custom directory.

  2. Copy the path to the directory where Chromedriver is located.

  3. Right-click on "This PC" or "Computer" on your desktop or in File Explorer.

  4. Select "Properties" and go to "Advanced system settings."

  5. Click on the "Environment Variables" button.

  6. In the "System variables" section, find the "Path" variable and click "Edit."

  7. Click "New" and paste the path to the Chromedriver directory.

  8. Click "OK" to close all the windows.

  • Solution for Linux/macOS:
  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Use the which command to find the location of Chromedriver:
which chromedriver  
  1. Copy the path to the directory where Chromedriver is located.  
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/chromedriver_directory  
  1. Save the changes and reboot the terminal.

Option 3: Specify Chromedriver Path In Selenium Script

Option 3 provides a targeted solution by explicitly specifying the Chromedriver path in your Selenium script. This approach offers flexibility, allowing you to define the exact location of the Chromedriver executable within your script without relying on system-wide configurations.

  1. Locate the directory where Chromedriver is stored (read option 2 to learn how to do that!)
  2. Instead of adding Chromedriver to the system PATH, you can specify its path directly in your Selenium script.
from selenium import webdriver

chromedriver_path = '/path/to/chromedriver'
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=chromedriver_path)


The 'Chromedriver Executable Needs To Be In PATH' error is a common challenge when working with Selenium. However, it can be easily resolved by ensuring that Chromedriver is correctly installed, added to the system PATH, or its path is explicitly specified in the Selenium script.

By following the solutions outlined in this article, you can seamlessly integrate Selenium with Chrome and continue automating your web testing tasks.

For a deeper dive into Selenium and its capabilities, refer to The Selenium Documentation. If you're looking to seamlessly integrate ScrapeOps into your Selenium workflows, check out the guide on Integrate ScrapeOps in Selenium

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