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How to Capture Background XHR Requests

Selenium Guide: How to Capture Background XHR Requests

Selenium is a robust tool widely used for automating web browsers, particularly in testing and web scraping scenarios. However, a common challenge that you may encounter is the need to capture background XMLHttpRequests (XHR).

In this article, we'll explore the causes of this challenge and provide effective solutions to overcome it.

TLDR - Quick Guide

This Python code demonstrates the automation of an XMLHttpRequest (XHR) request using JavaScript within a Selenium script.

The purpose is to equip you with essential insights and solutions to seamlessly integrate XHR capturing into your Selenium scripts.

# Example code to automate XHR request using JavaScript
xhr_script = """
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "", true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
console.log("XHR Response: " + xhr.responseText);

# Execute the JavaScript code in the browser
  1. Understand Asynchronous Nature: Recognize that XHR requests operate independently of the main browser thread. Ensure your capturing methods align with the asynchronous behavior of these requests.
  2. Leverage JavaScript Automation: Dive into the power of JavaScript executed through Selenium. Mimic XHR requests using execute_script to navigate the complexities of asynchronous operations.
  3. Retrieve Console Logs: Overcome the challenge of hidden XHR requests. Retrieve console logs through Selenium to uncover crucial insights into browser activities and uncover hidden interactions.
  4. Explicitly Wait for Dynamic Content: Tackle the issue of XHR requests triggered after the initial page load. Implement explicit waits using WebDriverWait to ensure dynamic content is fully loaded before capturing XHR requests.
  5. Simulate Page Scrolling: Conquer lazy loading or infinite scrolling hurdles. Use Selenium to simulate scrolling actions, triggering the loading of additional content and associated XHR requests.

What Is XHR and Why Is It Important?

Before diving into the solutions, let's clarify what XMLHttpRequests (XHR) are and why capturing them is crucial. XHR is a web technology that allows browsers to make HTTP requests to a server in the background, enabling dynamic content updates without refreshing the entire page.

In modern web applications, XHR plays a pivotal role in asynchronous data exchange. Capturing XHRs enables scraping of data not available in the initial page source. The web apps rely on background XHR requests to load content.

Benefits of Scraping Background Requests

Capturing Background XHR Requests is essential for:

  • Comprehensive Testing: Ensures thorough validation of web applications by including background data exchanges in your test scenarios.
  • Accurate Web Scraping: Provides a complete dataset by capturing all dynamic content loaded through XHR requests. That is because browser automation only captures initial page loads. To scrape modern JavaScript-heavy sites, we need the background XHR responses.

Now that you understand XHR requests and why you need to capture them, let me show you how to capture them with Selenium.

Capturing Background XHR Requests With Selenium

Several strategies can be employed to effectively capture background XHR requests in Selenium. The most common methods include:

  1. Utilizing Browser Developer Tools
  2. Implementing a Custom Proxy Server

Here is a step-by-step walkthrough on how to achieve the above strategies.

Method 1: Utilizing Browser Developer Tools

Browser Developer Tools offer a rich set of features for analyzing and capturing network activity, including XHR requests. Selenium, by default, lacks native functionality for intercepting requests; however, this capability can be enabled through the integration of the selenium-wire extension.

Follow these steps to leverage this method:

Step 1: Enable Debugging Mode

Launch browser in debugging mode so Selenium can access dev tools APIs.

# Import necessary modules for Selenium and ChromeDriver setup
from seleniumwire import webdriver
from import By
import time

# Launch the browser with SeleniumWire capabilities
driver = webdriver.Chrome()

Step 2: Intercept XHR Requests

Perform actions to trigger XHR requests. For example, navigating to a website and interacting with elements.

# Perform actions to trigger XHR requests
search_bar = driver.find_element(By.ID, "APjFqb")

# Wait for a short time to ensure XHR requests have been triggered

In this code snippet, we initiate actions to simulate user interaction with the web page.

  • First, we navigate to the Google homepage using driver.get("").
  • Next, we locate the search bar element with the unique identifier "APjFqb" using driver.find_element(By.ID, "APjFqb").
  • We then simulate user input by sending the keys "selenium" to the search bar with search_bar.send_keys("selenium").
  • Finally, we introduce a brief pause of 5 seconds (time.sleep(5)) to ensure that any background XHR requests triggered by these actions have sufficient time to complete. This delay allows Selenium to capture the relevant network activity for later analysis.

Step 3: Extract Data from Responses

Access and process response data:

# Access requests via the `requests` attribute
for request in driver.requests:
if request.response:
print(f"URL: {request.url}")
print(f"Method: {request.method}")
print(f"Response Status Code: {request.response.status_code}")

We leverage the driver.requests attribute provided by the selenium-wire extension to access information about captured network requests. The code iterates through each request, and for requests that have a response (indicated by if request.response), it prints essential details about the request.

  • print(f"URL: {request.url}"): This line prints the URL of the captured request, providing information about the specific endpoint or resource being accessed.
  • print(f"Method: {request.method}"): Here, the HTTP method used in the request (e.g., GET, POST) is displayed. It indicates the type of operation the client is requesting from the server.
  • print(f"Response Status Code: {request.response.status_code}"): This line prints the HTTP status code of the response. The status code indicates the outcome of the request, such as success (200), redirection (3xx), client errors (4xx), or server errors (5xx).

Method 2: Implementing a Custom Proxy Server

For advanced users seeking a higher degree of control over network traffic, implementing a custom proxy server provides a powerful solution for capturing background XMLHttpRequests (XHR).

Follow these steps to create and integrate a custom proxy server with Selenium:

Step 1: Develop a Custom Proxy Server

Creating a custom proxy server involves understanding the fundamentals of intercepting and logging XHR requests.

Below is a simplified example using Python and the http.server module.

from http.server import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
import socketserver
import socket

class CustomProxyHandler():
def do_CONNECT(self):
self.send_response(200, 'Connection Established')
self.send_header('Proxy-agent', 'Python-Proxy/1.0')

# Connect to the target server
target_host, target_port = self.path.split(':')
target_port = int(target_port)
self.target_conn = socket.create_connection((target_host, target_port))
self.wfile.write(b'HTTP/1.1 200 Connection Established\r\n\r\n')

def do_GET(self):
# Log the XHR request URL
print(f"XHR Request URL: {self.path}")

# Forward the request to the target server

def proxy_request(self):
# Forward the original request to the target server

# Receive the response from the target server
target_response = self.receive_response(self.target_conn)

# Send the target server's response back to the client

def send_request(self, target_conn):
# Forward the original request to the target server
target_conn.sendall(f"{self.command} {self.path} {self.request_version}\r\n".encode())
for header, value in self.headers.items():
target_conn.sendall(f"{header}: {value}\r\n".encode())

def receive_response(self, target_conn):
# Receive the response from the target server
response = b""
while True:
data = target_conn.recv(4096)
if not data:
response += data
return response

def send_response_to_client(self, target_response):
# Send the target server's response back to the client

# Set up the custom proxy server
port = 8888
with socketserver.ThreadingTCPServer(('', port), CustomProxyHandler) as httpd:
print(f"Custom proxy server running on port {port}")

We have implemented a basic HTTP proxy server using the http.server module. Here are some key points:

  • The server subclasses SimpleHTTPRequestHandler to override the do_CONNECT() and do_GET() methods to handle proxying.
  • do_CONNECT() is used for HTTPS proxying. It establishes a TCP tunnel to the target server and returns a 200 response.
  • do_GET() logs the requested URL and calls proxy_request() method to forward the request to the target server.
  • proxy_request() handles sending the request, receiving the response, and sending the response back to the client.
  • The server uses a raw TCP socket (socket.create_connection) to connect to the target server for proxying.
  • A ThreadingTCPServer is created to handle concurrent connections and the proxy runs on port 8888.

This simple proxy server intercepts GET requests, logs the XHR request URL, and forwards the request to a target server. In a real-world scenario, you would need to handle other HTTP methods, support HTTPS connections, and implement more features.

Note that this is a basic implementation for educational purposes, and in a production environment, you would need to enhance security, error handling, and other considerations.

Step 2: Integrate the Custom Proxy with Selenium

Now that you have your custom proxy server, integrate it with Selenium to capture background XHR requests. In your Selenium script, configure the browser to use the custom proxy server.

For example, if you are using the Chrome browser:

from selenium import webdriver
from import Service
from import Options
from import By
from import ChromeDriverManager

# Set up the custom proxy server address
proxy_address = ''

# Configure Chrome to use the custom proxy
chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptio ns()

# Specify the location of the ChromeDriver executable
service = Service(ChromeDriverManager().install())

# Launch the browser with the custom proxy configuration
driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=service, options=chrome_options)

# Continue with your Selenium automation script
# Perform actions to trigger XHR requests
# Add more actions as needed...

# Remember to close the browser when done

Replace with the actual address of your custom proxy server.

Step 3: Extend Functionality for Analysis

To enhance the analysis of captured XHR data, consider extending the functionality of your custom proxy server.

You can implement features such as logging, filtering, and capturing additional metadata about each request and response.

# Extend the CustomProxyHandler class with additional functionality

class CustomProxyHandler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
# ... (previous code)

def log_request(self, code='-', size='-'):
# Log additional information about each request
print(f"Request: {self.command} {self.path} - Code: {code} - Size: {size}")

def end_headers(self):
# Add custom headers or processing before sending the headers to the client

def log_response(self, code):
# Log additional information about each response
print(f"Response: {self.path} - Code: {code}")

# ... (continue with other methods as needed)

Extend the CustomProxyHandler class according to your analysis requirements. This may include logging headers, response codes, timestamps, or any other relevant information.

Real World Example: How to Capture Background Requests in Selenium

Now that you have learned two main ways to capture background requests in Selenium, let us dive into two practical scenarios.

Scraping Button Click Requests

First, here is some code that captures XHR requests on a button click.

# Import necessary modules for Selenium and ChromeDriver setup
from seleniumwire import webdriver
from import By
import time

# Launch the browser with SeleniumWire capabilities
driver = webdriver.Chrome()

# Perform actions to trigger XHR requests

search_bar = driver.find_element(By.ID, "a-autoid-4-announce")

# Wait for a short time to ensure XHR requests have been triggered

# Access requests via the `requests` attribute
for request in driver.requests:
if request.response:
print(f"URL: {request.url}")
print(f"Method: {request.method}")
print(f"Response Status Code: {request.response.status_code}")

This Python script leverages SeleniumWire to observe XMLHttpRequests (XHR) in action. It kicks off by setting up a Chrome browser with SeleniumWire capabilities.

The script then directs the browser to an Amazon page, where a button with the ID "a-autoid-4-announce" is clicked. This action triggers XHR requests, the behind-the-scenes communication between the browser and the server.

After a brief pause, the script extracts information about these XHR requests, including their URLs, HTTP methods, and response status codes.

Button Click

Scraping Endless Paging

In scenarios where a webpage unfolds a never-ending stream of content as you scroll down, capturing the background requests becomes essential for comprehensive data extraction. Let's delve into a practical example of scraping endless paging using SeleniumWire.

# Import necessary modules for Selenium and ChromeDriver setup
from seleniumwire import webdriver
import time

# Launch the browser with SeleniumWire capabilities
driver = webdriver.Chrome()

# Navigate to a webpage with endless scrolling

# Simulate scrolling down to trigger additional content loading
for _ in range(5): # Scroll down 5 times
driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")
time.sleep(2) # Wait for content to load

# Wait for a short time to ensure XHR requests have been triggered

# Access requests via the `requests` attribute
for request in driver.requests:
if request.response:
print(f"URL: {request.url}")
print(f"Method: {request.method}")
print(f"Response Status Code: {request.response.status_code}")

The script utilizes SeleniumWire to capture XHR requests while mimicking the action of scrolling down on the dynamic Amazon homepage. By initiating this scrolling process five times, additional content is unveiled, triggering XHR requests in the background.

After a short pause, the script provides insight into these captured requests, displaying essential information such as the URL, HTTP method, and response status code.

Endless Scrolling Example

Common Challenges With Capturing Background XHR Requests

Navigating the landscape of web interactions with Selenium brings forth several challenges in capturing background XHR requests.

Let's explore these challenges and delve into effective solutions to overcome them, emphasizing the significance of a well-configured Selenium setup.

Asynchronous Nature of XHR Requests

XHR requests operate independently of the main browser thread, posing a challenge for Selenium to capture them synchronously. To address this, one effective solution is to automate XHR requests using JavaScript executed through Selenium's execute_script method. This allows the creation and execution of XHR requests, mimicking the asynchronous behavior.

Solution: Automating XHR Requests with JavaScript

To overcome the asynchronous nature of XHR requests, leverage JavaScript through Selenium. Below is an example code snippet illustrating the creation and execution of an XHR request:

# Example code to automate XHR request using JavaScript
xhr_script = """
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "", true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
console.log("XHR Response: " + xhr.responseText);

# Execute the JavaScript code in the browser

The above code automates fetching data from a website using JavaScript. Imagine a tiny messenger:

  1. It builds a request: Like a note, it specifies the website address and says "Get me the data, please!"
  2. It waits for a response: Just like waiting for a reply, the code checks if the website sent back the information.
  3. Success! : If the website responds happily, the code logs the data it received, like showing you the messenger's reply.

Lack of Visibility in Browser Console

Background XHR requests may not always manifest in the browser's console log, hindering tracking and inspection. To address this, implement a mechanism to retrieve console logs through Selenium. Most browser drivers provide a method to access logs.

Solution: Retrieve Console Logs Through Selenium

Here's an example code snippet showcasing how to retrieve console logs:

# Example code to retrieve console logs through Selenium
logs = driver.get_log("browser")
for log_entry in logs:


  • driver.get_log("browser"): This method is used to retrieve logs from the browser. The argument "browser" specifies the category of logs to be retrieved. Other categories, such as "driver" or "performance," can be used based on the specific information you are interested in.

  • logs = driver.get_log("browser"): The retrieved logs are stored in the logs variable.

  • Iterating Through Logs:

    for log_entry in logs:

    This loop iterates through each log entry in the retrieved logs. For each entry, it prints the value associated with the "message" key. The "message" key typically contains the text or information logged to the console.

Waiting for Page Load

Dynamic content loading after the initial page load can trigger XHR requests not present in the page source. To overcome this challenge, use explicit waits (e.g., WebDriverWait) to ensure the dynamic content is fully loaded before attempting to capture XHR requests.

Solution: Explicitly Wait for Dynamic Content

Include explicit waits in your script to ensure that dynamic content is fully loaded before capturing XHR requests. Here's a code snippet demonstrating the solution:

from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as EC

# Wait for dynamic content to be fully loaded
element = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(
EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//div[@class='<dynamic-content>']"))

# Capture XHR requests after dynamic content is loaded
for request in driver.requests:
if request.response:
print(f"URL: {request.url}")
print(f"Method: {request.method}")
print(f"Response Status Code: {request.response.status_code}")

Page Scroll

Lazy loading or infinite scrolling on web pages presents a challenge in capturing dynamically loaded XHR requests. Simulating scrolling actions using Selenium is an effective solution.

Solution: Simulate Page Scrolling Actions

Use Selenium to initiate scrolling actions, triggering the loading of additional content. Here's a code snippet illustrating the solution:

# Example code to simulate page scrolling with Selenium
for _ in range(5): # Scroll down 5 times
driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")
time.sleep(2) # Wait for content to load

# Capture XHR requests after scrolling and content loading
for request in driver.requests:
if request.response:
print(f"URL: {request.url}")
print(f"Method: {request.method}")
print(f"Response Status Code: {request.response.status_code}")

By addressing these common challenges and incorporating the suggested solutions, your Selenium scripts can effectively capture background XHR requests, providing a robust foundation for web scraping and automation tasks.

Troubleshooting Tips

1. Check for Asynchronous Operations:

  • Ensure that the XHR requests you are trying to capture are indeed asynchronous. Synchronous requests might not be captured effectively using the provided methods.
  • Verify if the requests are triggered after certain actions (e.g., button clicks) and if these actions are being performed correctly in your Selenium script.

2. Inspect Network Conditions:

  • Use browser developer tools to inspect network conditions during script execution. Confirm that the XHR requests you expect to capture are being initiated and examine their details.
  • Check if there are any network-related errors or delays that might affect the loading of XHR requests.

3. Review JavaScript Execution:

  • If you are using JavaScript to trigger XHR requests, ensure that the JavaScript code is executed correctly. Verify that there are no syntax errors or issues preventing the intended XHR initiation.
  • Consider logging intermediate steps in your JavaScript code to troubleshoot its execution within the browser.

4. Adjust Wait Times:

  • Experiment with adjusting the wait times in your script. If requests are not being captured, it might be due to insufficient wait times before attempting to access the requests attribute.
  • Ensure that you are allowing enough time for XHR requests to be triggered and completed before attempting to retrieve and analyze them.


Congratulations on completing this comprehensive guide to capturing background XMLHttpRequests (XHR) with Selenium.

Key Takeaways:

  • Methods Unveiled: Explore strategies like Browser Developer Tools and Custom Proxy Servers to capture XHR requests effectively.
  • Common Challenges Tackled: Overcome asynchrony using JavaScript, retrieve hidden XHRs through console logs, and navigate dynamic content with explicit waits.
  • Real-World Scenarios: Dive into practical examples, from capturing button click requests to scraping endless scrolling, gaining hands-on experience.

For more information, check the official documentation for Selenium and GitHub repository for updates, issues, and contributions.

More Selenium Web Scraping Guides

To delve deeper into web scraping and Selenium automation, explore additional resources and guides: